The LO-down & Nitty Gritty

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Ohhh, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun


Happy Birthday Lillian & Nina!! Double birthday weekend = Double the drunken debauchery. At least for me it was. I don't go out as much these days anymore, but when I do make an appearance, I definitely make up for being MIA. I almost lost my shoes, but Marie found them for me underneath the couch! (We all know what happens when I lose my shoes!) Woke up this morning feeling the damage from the night prior but I couldn't stifle a few chuckles looking through the camera at some of the pictures -- many of them I do not remember taking! It's amazing to see how rapidly my sobriety was diminishing by the minute (according to the timestamp on my new camera -- thanks baby!) as the pictures were getting uglier and uglier as the night progressed.

Back in college, after nights of heavy drinking, I use to wake up and run across the apartment into Sandra & Poonam's room so we could try and piece together what happened the night before. That was always fun. I swear our neighbors could probably hear us screaming "OMG!! I DID THAT?" every weekend. Aww, getting nostalgic now. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous Anonymous said...

man i remember that -ish. first you would call me cuz you didnt want to get out of bed. then i would mention something that happened and would hear you, or sandra (mostly sandra and her heavy step) run across the living room screaming OMG! i remember one time in particular i woke up and found fried rice all over the kitchen. a certain someone was a little ticked off 8). and didnt i tell you to wear real shoes! you like to shove your dirty ass foot in everyones face when you lose your damn shoes and then cry about how its gone ! haha... good times... good times

July 10, 2006 8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so.. stalkers huh? there a lot of crazies out there i tell ya.

July 10, 2006 11:36 PM  

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