The LO-down & Nitty Gritty

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

My Emo Entry of the Month

We've all been there.

Just when you think you know what you want and have everything figured out, you realize that perhaps, just maybe -- this is not how it's suppose to be. Doubt is a terrible, unsettling feeling. Probably one of the worst ones, right behind disappointment and heartache. How ironic that love almost always includes all three.

People tell me to have faith that things will ultimately work itself out in the end, but what if you lost it - faith - a long time ago?

Funny, how I hated physics in school -- but now nothing explains it better than Newton's Third Law of Motion:
"To every action, there is a reaction"
I've set off a chain reaction, and now that the wheels are in motion -- I don't think it'll ever stop.


Blogger Joekiter said...


Miss F=ma, you right !

July 25, 2006 9:35 PM  

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